
Member Rights and Responsibilities
Members have a right to:
- Information about Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield
- An explanation of their benefits
- Access to healthcare providers
- Be treated with respect and dignity
- Participate in decisions regarding their healthcare coverage and communicate their preferences
- Confidentiality of information
- Change healthcare providers
- Appeal adverse claim decisions
Members have a responsibility to:
- Become familiar with the terms, requirements and procedures of their health insurance plan
- Present their member ID card to healthcare providers when seeking care
- Provide information in connection with their submitted claims, including information about other healthcare coverage, when requested by Arkansas Blue Cross
- Meet all copayments, deductible and coinsurance obligations
- Notify Arkansas Blue Cross of any change in eligibility status
- Communicate to Arkansas Blue Cross any complaint or grievance immediately
NOTE: Information on Member Rights and Responsibilities is provided annually in our member magazine, Blueprint.