Coverage for breast pumps
New moms have enough going on without trying to figure out their insurance coverage. Because we know how important it is to breastfeed your baby, we’ve made getting an electric breast pump easy for you.
Most members who buy their health insurance directly or have coverage through their work with Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield members may request coverage of an individual electric breast pump, up to $160, with no cost sharing and no prescription. This benefit renews with each pregnancy. Because the providers of breast pumps bill differently, some may bill us directly and others may need you to pay for it and then be reimbursed.
Renting a hospital-grade electric breast pump due to medical complications also is covered. This benefit requires a prescription from your doctor. Rental of a hospital-grade electric breast pump is covered for six months and is available after each pregnancy depending on need.
Why is breast milk so important?
Your breast milk has just the right amount of nutrients and protective antibodies that are not available in any other source and it’s easy for your baby to digest. Those protective antibodies reduce the risk of illnesses and chronic conditions later in life. There are also health benefits for mothers, including reduced risk of developing certain types of cancer and type-2 diabetes. It also saves money by eliminating or reducing formula cost, reducing healthcare visits, prescriptions and hospitalizations. That’s why breast milk is the perfect food for your baby!
Federal Employee Program members must order their electric breast pump through CVS Caremark. Some members may have additional out-of-pocket costs. To be sure, call the customer service number on the back of your ID card.